Kids' Camp 25': Camper Registration Form

When?: Monday, June 23 - Friday, June 27, 2025

Who?: Kids' Camp is for kids who will have just completed 3rd Grade - 6th Grade. (6th Graders usually attend Student Life camp with Pastor Casey, but they are also welcome to register for this camp.)

Where?: Lake Sallateeska Baptist Camp, Pinckneyville, IL

How Much?: The cost is $180* per child and can be paid on this form or at the church office by Thursday, June 5th, 2025**, to secure their spot at camp. This price includes transportation, lodging, meals, camp activities, and a T-shirt.

*Scholarships are available but are limited. They will be awarded on a first-come-first-serve basis. Please get in touch with Pastor Ryan for scholarship info: 217-343-2964 -or-*
This form MUST be completed and signed by a parent or guardian & submitted before the child is allowed to stay at camp. Please fill out one form per camper.
Child's Info

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
ALL medications MUST be filled prior to camp and given to the nurse in their original prescription or over the counter bottles at the time of registration. Please list any and all medical information the camp nurse should have (for example: allergies, prescribed treatment, major illnesses and medical conditions, medications taken by the camper, dosage and frequency of medication).
Primary Parent/Guardian Contact Info

Medical Release & Acknowledgments

Please READ and ACKNOWLEDGE the following statements:
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
READ and ACKNOWLEDGE the following statement:

I, the Parent/legal guardian of the child mentioned above, a minor, hereby acknowledge by TYPING MY FIRST and LAST NAME BELOW, that said minor is under my care, custody, and control. I hereby give my child, the said minor, my express permission to attend one of the 2025 IBSA Summer Camps. 

I further expressly grant my permission for my child to participate in all activities of said camp. I understand that my child may be photographed and video-taped at camp for promotional purposes. These photos or videos will not be sold for profit. 

I have listed said minor’s physical defects or medical problems that may need attention. In the event there arises an emergency, necessitating medical or surgical attention, I hereby consent and give my permission to the Growth Team of the Illinois Baptist State Association, or its representatives, or the camp nurse or counselors, or any attending physician to make such decisions and to perform such medical treatments, and/or surgery upon said minor which may, in their sole discretion be necessary and proper under such circumstances. I do release, acquit, discharge, and covenant to hold harmless the Growth Team staff personnel, camp nurse or counselors, the Illinois Baptist State Association, or its representatives, or any attending physician to make decisions.
Please select all that apply.

*Electronic signatures are regulated by the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act. Legally, an "electronic signature" can be the person’s typed name, email address, or any other identifying marker.* 

Any Other Information We Need to Know?


You may pay the $180 registration fee below - or - opt to pay in the church office by Thursday, June 5th, 2025. The church office is open Monday-Thursday, 8am-4pm.

If you would like to request a scholarship, please select the "Pay Later" option below and send an email to Pastor Ryan at, indicating your request.


When?: Monday, June 23 - Friday, June 27, 2025

Who?: Kids' Camp is for kids who will have just completed 3rd Grade - 6th Grade. (6th Graders usually attend Student Life camp with Pastor Casey, but they are also welcome to register for this camp.)

Where?: Lake Sallateeska Baptist Camp, Pinckneyville, IL

How Much?: The cost is $180* per child and can be paid on this form or at the church office by Thursday, June 5th, 2025**, to secure their spot at camp. This price includes transportation, lodging, meals, camp activities, and a T-shirt.

*Scholarships are available but are limited. They will be awarded on a first-come-first-serve basis. Please get in touch with Pastor Ryan for scholarship info: 217-343-2964 -or-*