Night to Shine is Friday, February 7, 2025, from 6 pm-9 pm.
Please Note: Children under 16 are not allowed to serve as volunteers unless accompanied by their parent/guardian for the entire event, or if they are part of a pre-approved group (e.g., Cheer Team). Volunteers must be 16 years old to serve without their parents or part of a pre-approved group with an approved adult (e.g., Cheer Coach). For all volunteers under 18, a parent/guardian must fill out and sign this form. *Childcare will not be provided.*
If you are under 18, a permission slip signed by your parent or guardian is REQUIRED before you can serve.
HERE to download the permission slip. The signed slip can be uploaded on this page or returned to Immanuel's office by Monday, February 3, 2025.
Area You Would Like to Serve
Please Note: If you are NOT a member at Immanuel, please select "Buddy" or "Red Carpet."
*You may be asked to serve in other capacities, depending on the necessity at the time of the event.
*BACKGROUND CHECKS THROUGH IMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL VOLUNTEERS AGES 18+.* Background checks from other organizations will not be accepted.
IF NO, please complete a background check on the confirmation page that will show up on your screen after completing this form and clicking the "Submit" button below.
**Important Volunteer Info**
*This year, we will not have a mandatory in-person meeting. Instead, you will receive a follow-up email with a link to videos covering all the details about Night to Shine and what you need to know.